Cracking a tooth is not only painful—it can be an emergency that demands immediate attention, depending on the severity. While you might expect hard candies or accidents to damage your teeth, several surprising culprits can catch you off guard.
At Haven Dentistry, our emergency dentist in Richmond, TX, has seen it all, and we’re here to help you protect your smile. Check out our list of unexpected tooth-cracking threats, along with prevention tips and what to do if the worst happens.
1. Popcorn Kernels
A cozy movie night at home could take an unexpected turn if you accidentally bite down on an unpopped popcorn kernel. These tiny, dense bits can cause immediate, intense damage to your teeth, especially if you’re eating enthusiastically and don’t notice one hiding in your snack.
Always pour your popcorn into a bowl and check for unpopped kernels before digging in. Chewing slowly can also help you avoid accidentally crunching down on something hard.
2. Ice Cubes
On a hot, sunny Texas day, chewing on ice cubes may seem refreshing, but your teeth don’t agree. Frozen solid and unforgiving, ice cubes are a common culprit when it comes to cracked teeth. The brittleness and cold temperatures can weaken enamel, making your teeth more prone to breakage.
Resist the urge to crunch on ice cubes. Instead, enjoy your drink cold. If you miss the chewing sensation, nosh on some sugar-free gum.
3. Pitted Fruits
Imagine biting into a peach or cherry and unknowingly chomping down on the pit. There’s a reason that another word for these treats is “stone fruit”—the pits are rock-hard. Biting down on one can easily chip or crack your teeth, particularly if you’re not expecting it. We often see patients come in to see our emergency dentist in Richmond, TX, after a painful encounter with fruit pits.
Be cautious when eating fresh fruits with pits, and try cutting them into slices to avoid biting into the pit by accident.
4. Pens and Pencils
You might not think twice about chewing on your pen or pencil when you’re focused at work or school, but it can be harmful to your teeth. Over time, like chewing ice, this habit weakens enamel and leaves your teeth vulnerable to cracks and chips.
Keep a stress ball or fidget toy nearby to avoid this unconscious habit. Be mindful of how often you’re clenching or chewing on hard objects during the day.
5. Unexpected Impacts During Sports
Even friendly games of soccer or pickup basketball can result in unexpected bumps or collisions. If you’re not wearing a protective mouthguard, a stray elbow or ball could easily crack a tooth—a surefire way to require an appointment with our emergency dentist in Richmond, TX.
One report from the American Dental Association (ADA) concluded that those who didn’t use mouthguards had a dentofacial injury rate of 48.31% to almost 60%, compared to 7.5% to 7.75% for those opting to use mouth protection.
If you’re active in sports, invest in a high-quality mouthguard to protect your teeth from potential impacts. Custom mouthguards, which can be fitted by the dentist at Haven Dentistry, are especially effective.
6. Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common problem that often goes unnoticed. This habit can cause serious damage to your teeth over time, including cracks and chips. Many people grind their teeth while sleeping or when under stress.
If you suspect that you may be grinding your teeth, talk to our dentist about potential solutions such as a nightguard or relaxation techniques. Addressing this issue early on can prevent future damage to your teeth.
7. Using Your Teeth as Tools
When faced with a stubborn bottle cap or package seal, it may seem convenient to use your teeth instead of finding the proper tool. However, using your teeth for tasks they were not intended for can cause cracks and chips, some severe enough to require attention from our Richmond, TX, emergency dentist.
Keep a small multi-tool on hand to avoid using your teeth instead. This will not only protect your teeth but also ensure that you have the right tool for any task at hand.
Practical Prevention Tips
Keeping your teeth safe from damage starts with a few easy habits:
- Good Oral Hygiene: Maintaining strong, healthy teeth helps reduce the risk of cracks and other emergency dental problems.
- Be Prepared: Wear a mouthguard during physical activities and a nightguard during sleep, and use the proper tools to open objects.
- Check-In with Us: Get regular cleanings and exams to check for weakened enamel or other potential issues that could lead to tooth damage.
What to Do in a Dental Emergency
If you do crack a tooth, act quickly to prevent complications:
- Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area.
- Gather any broken pieces and store them in milk or saliva.
- Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
- Call our emergency dentist in Richmond, TX.
Protecting Smiles with Proactive Care and Active Response
Everyday habits can take a toll on your smile without you realizing it. By being proactive, you can reduce the risk of dental emergencies and maintain a healthy smile. And if a cracked tooth does occur, don’t panic—reach out to our emergency dentist in Richmond, TX. Haven Dentistry even offers same-day appointments. Call (832) 378-7870.